Friday 19 December 2014

American arrested in Uganda over $2m currency fraud

US authorities have arrested an American in Uganda for leading a large international counterfeiting ring, the BBC has learned.

Ryan Gustafson, 27, was charged with conspiracy and counterfeiting outside the US after the fake currency was used at multiple American businesses.

The US Secret Service traced the money to Kampala, where they found a counterfeit ring also producing euros, rupees and various African currencies.

The suspect faces 25 years in prison.

"We will hold cyber criminals accountable and bring them to justice no matter where they reside," US Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania David Hickton wrote in a statement.

Fake US currency was discovered at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, retail stores and businesses and traced to a postal box in the area.

Federal agents determined the currency was being sent from Uganda. A fingerprint on one of the packages led them to Mr Gustafson, a US citizen who previously resided in Texas.

Mr Gustafson is said to have located couriers through an online forum and established contact with them through private message.

The Secret Service coordinated with Ugandan authorities to set up an undercover sting operation to purchase counterfeit currency from the suspect.

He was arrested, and a subsequent search of his home netted a cache of fake Ugandan shillings, Congolese francs, Ghanaian cedis, Indian rupees and euros, as well as various counterfeiting materials.

US authorities estimate the suspect flooded the market with nearly $2m (£1.28m) in counterfeit currencies.

Mr Gustafson has been charged with conspiracy, selling and dealing in counterfeit currency, and unlawful possession of ammunition.

He faces a lengthy prison sentence and a fine of $500,000.

UPDATE!! 185 Women And Children Reportedly Abducted In Borno State

According to a CNN breaking news, 185 women and children were kidnapped by Boko Haram men during a raid on Gumsuri village 20km from Chibok in Borno state on Sunday December 14th.

Men were shot, homes were burnt and women taken away.

This is the largest rounding up of women and children since the abduction of Chibok girls in April 2014.

32 people including the Chief Imam of the village were killed. Leaders of the opposition vigilante were also killed.

Word of the attack was slow to emerge due to the destruction of telecoms towers in the community.

Nigerian military are yet to react to this latest attac

Shocker! Meet Man Who Spent $150k To Look Like Kim Kardashian (Photos)

A Kim Kardashian super-fan has spent £100,000 on surgery and designer clothes in an attempt to look like hisreality star icon. 23 year old Jordan James Parke has had 50 lip-filling operations, eyebrow tattoos, Botox injections in several areas and undergone laser hair removal.After seeing her on reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians a few years ago, he embarked on his crazy crusade.

“I love everything about Kim. She’s the most gorgeous woman ever. Her skin is perfect, her hair, everything about her,” “I’m addicted to lip-fillers. The bigger, the better. I’ve never felt better about myself. I laugh when people try to insult me by telling me I look plastic or fake. Do they think I’m going for the natural look? If I was, I’d ask for my money back.”

According to Uk Mirror, He also underwent the ‘vampire facial’ – Kim K’s favourite cosmetic procedure which the Mirror’s Clemmie Moodie tried out for herself – at a cool £450.

The blood-curdling operation sees blood taken from the body and injected into the face in hundreds of places.Jordan has spend £60k kitting himself out with designer gear from Prada, Chanel and Louis Vuitton

I can easily spend thousands in one trip and I’m a fiend for buying online. A few weeks ago, I ordered a £3,000 Prada bag then completely forgot about it. I didn’t know what it was until I opened it.”

He also drinks in the VIP areas of nightclubs and wine bars, with rappers’ favourite champagne Cristal his preferred tipple – at £185 a bottle.

My look is all about the shock factor. I love all the attention and the stares I get in the street. I welcome the hate — it just means more attention. And if anything, it just spurs me on to get more work done.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Across the US, thousands march to protest police shootings

WASHINGTON –  Thousands of protesters marched across the country Saturday -- past the White House in the nation's capital, along iconic Fifth Avenue in New York and in front of Boston's Statehouse -- to call attention to the deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of police and urge lawmakers to take action.

Chanting "I can't breathe!" "Hands up, don't shoot!" and waving signs reading "Black lives matter!" the demonstrators also staged "die-ins" as they lay down across intersections and in one city briefly scuffled with police blocking an onramp to an Interstate.

"My husband was a quiet man, but he's making a lot of noise right now," said Washington protest marcher Esaw Garner, widow of Eric Garner, 43, who died in July after being put in a chokehold by New York City police during an arrest for allegedly selling loose, untaxed cigarettes.

"His voice will be heard. I have five children in this world and we are fighting not just for him but for everybody's future, for everybody's past, for everybody's present, and we need to make it strong."

Organizers had predicted 5,000 people at the Washington march, but the crowd appeared to far outnumber that. They later said they believed as many as 25,000 had shown up. It was not possible to verify the numbers; Washington police do not release crowd estimates.

Garner's mother, Gwen Carr, called the demonstrations a "history-making moment."

"It's just so overwhelming to see all who have come to stand with us today," she said. "I mean, look at the masses. Black, white, all races, all religions. ... We need to stand like this at all times."

Joining the Garners in Washington were speakers from the family of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old killed in Ohio as he played with a pellet gun in a park, and the Rev. Al Sharpton, who helped organize the marches.

"Members of Congress, beware we're serious ...," Sharpton said. "When you get a ring-ding on Christmas, it might not be Santa; it may be Rev. Al coming to your house."

Several speakers asked the crowd to chant, "I can't breathe." Garner, 43, had gasped those words before his death. Some protesters also wore those words on shirts. Other speakers called for a chant of "Hands up, don't shoot," and protesters also waved signs reading "Black Lives Matter!"

Just before the crowd marched to the Capitol, the rallying was interrupted briefly by more than a dozen protesters who took the stage with a bullhorn. They announced that they were from the St. Louis area and demanded to speak.

"This movement was started by the young people," said Johnetta Elzie, who ultimately was allowed by rally organizers to speak.

This movement was started by the young people," said Johnetta Elzie, who ultimately was allowed by rally organizers to speak.

Organizers called the interruption unnecessarily divisive. But some in the Missouri group, mostly in their 20s, said they were disappointed and found the rally staid and ineffective.

"I thought there was going to be actions, not a show. This is a show," Elzie said.

Protests -- some violent -- have occurred around the nation since grand juries last month declined to indict the officers involved in the deaths of Brown and Garner. Before the crowd started marching, Sharpton directed, "Don't let no provocateurs get you out of line. ... We are not here to play big shot. We are here to win."

Washington, D.C., and U.S. Park Police said they had made no arrests in the capital protests. In Boston, however, about two dozen people were arrested for disorderly conduct after scuffling with officers blocking an Interstate 93 onramp near the Nashua Street Jail.

The noisy march through the heart of Manhattan swelled to at least 25,000 people, police said. It snarled traffic but remained peaceful, with no arrests reported by late afternoon.

Among the large crowds were family members of people killed by New York City police going back decades.

Donna Carter, 54, marched with her boyfriend, whose teenage son was shot and killed by police in the 1990s while carrying a toy gun.

"It's good to see people of all colors here to say enough is enough," said Carter, who's black. "I'm a parent and every child that's killed feels like my child."

Others were there to show their outrage, including Rich Alexandro, 47, who carried a handmade sign with dozens of names of victims of police killings in which officers were never charged.

"It just seems like the cops are Teflon," Alexandro said. "There's no justice."

On the eve of Saturday's nationwide protests, demonstrators in Nashville, Tennessee, staged "die-ins" in the country music capital's honky-tonk district and another in The Gulch, home to new upscale condominiums and restaurants, The Tennessean reported.

The Friday night protest started with a candlelight vigil outside the Metro Nashville Police Department, growing to about 150 people as it moved to Lower Broadway, where the "Black Lives Matter" chant mixed with the music spilling out of the honky-tonks. Tourists on the sidewalks snapped photos as the demonstrators lay down in the street.

Politicians and others have talked about the need for better police training, body cameras and changes in the grand jury process to restore faith in the legal system.

Terry Baisden, 52, of Baltimore said she is "hopeful change is coming" and that the movement is not part of a fleeting flash of anger.

She said she hasn't protested before but felt compelled to because "changes in action, changes in belief, happen in numbers."

Sheryce Holloway, a recent graduate from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, attended a smaller gathering outside Robert F. Kennedy Stadium in Washington ahead of the main rally. She said she also has been participating in protests at her alma mater.

Holloway said the goal of the protests is "ending blue-on-black crime."

"Black lives do matter."

D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said the Washington march was peaceful. She mingled with the crowd and said she wanted to show solidarity with the marchers.

"This is one of the most well-organized events I've seen," Lanier said.

Sierra Leone Bans Christmas Celebration Over Ebola

Sierra Leone has banned public celebrations over
Christmas and the New Year, because of the Ebola
Soldiers are to be deployed on the streets throughout
the festive period to keep people indoors, officials say.
Christmas is widely celebrated in Sierra Leone, even
though Islam is the largest religion.
Sierra Leone has the most cases of Ebola in the current
Some 6,580 have died, mostly in Guinea, Liberia and
Sierra Leone.
President Ernest Bai Koroma told traditional leaders to
stop traditional practices as part of efforts to end Ebola
in the country, Awoko newspaper reports.
The president added that despite international aid, it
seemed “as if the cases are increasing”, especially in
north-western areas such as Port Loko and the Bombali
Meanwhile in Mali, the last person still to be treated for
Ebola has been cured leaving no more cases in the
country, the health ministry announced.
The country recorded eight cases of Ebola – including
six deaths – and is continuing to monitor a number of
people who were in contact with patients.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Lawyer Dragged To Court For Killing Chicken, Breaking Eggs

A female lawyer in Abuja has been dragged to court for allegedly
killing a man’s chicken and breaking 19 of its eggs.
38-year-old Hajiya Hamamatu Manu has been charged with
mischief for causing the death of the chicken.
The owner, Terhemen Kolum reported the matter at the Apo Police
Station and the case was heard at the Gudu Upper Area Court.
Manu was also said to have destroyed the complainant’s chicken
coop by taking down all the bricks used to build it.
Kolum is seeking damages worth N25, 000 but the suspect has
pleaded not guilty to the charges.
The case has been adjourned to December 17 for further hearing.

UNBELIEVABLE!! Live Fish Found In Man’s Intestine During A Radical Surgery [See Photo]

A Brazilian man was left in total shock when removed a
huge live fish from his intestine.
During the operation, a surgeon pulled out the eel-like
fish known to grow up to a length of 125cm, which had
apparently burrowed into the man’s body.
Miraculously, the fish was still very much alive when it
was removed – and can be seen wriggling around.
The creature later had to be euthanised, according to
the Brazilian news website,
The unidentified man, who has recovered from the
operation made a formal complaint after staff at the
Hospital Universitário in Londrina filmed the surgery.
The video of him and the fish, known locally as a
piramboia, has become a viral sensation after it was
posted on the website Live Leak.
During the operation, doctors can be heard laughing as
the wriggling fish is surgically removed and one is
heard to say: “This one is for the history”, while
another adds: “I have just sent the photo by mail.” He


33 year old David Kalac strangled his live-in girlfriend
30 year old mother of 4 Amber Lynn Schraw, and posted
photos of her body to 4chan. David killed Amber either
on Monday night or Tuesday morning at their home in
Washington and posted three grisly photos of her lying
dead on a bed with what appeared to be strangulation
marks on her neck to 4chan on Tuesday afternoon,
"Turns out its way harder to strangle someone to death
than it looks in the movies. She fought so Damn hard."
Then he wrote again when people doubted the story
"Check the news for port orchard Washington in a few
hours,” then he wrote that Amber son's “will be home
from school soon. He’ll find her, then call the cops. I just
wanted to share the pics before they find me.”
35 minutes later, Amber's body was found by her
teenage son, who called his father who then called the
police. David, who fled the house after committing the
murder, turned himself in to police on Wednesday night
in Oregon, and is said to be cooperating with
investigators. He has been charged with second degree

Thursday 2 October 2014


In an interview with Ryan Seacrest, Jason Derulo
said he and longtime girlfriend Jordin Sparks broke up
because he felt so much pressure to settle down...
"What a nutshell, there was a lot of
tension in the relationship for a lot of different
reasons... There was a lot of pressures of
marriage. There was a lot of arguing and stuff like that
that just weighed on our relationship over time. When
you stop having more good times than bad bad times,
it’s time to call it quits. It becomes something that is
unhealthy. I'm not one to throw my business out on the
street, but I thought it was important because things are
getting a little out of hand.
To be fair, it was not just from her either. It was kind of
from everybody. That’s not the sole reason, but it
definitely played a part. I'll be lying if I said that we
parted in good terms. But it's not a bad situation.
There’s no bad blood. We didn’t end off on a weird way
or a negative way.' Jason said.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Mystery illness plagues girls in Colombia

First their hands and feet feel cold. Then they go pale and cannot move. Some convulse and fall to the floor.

A mystery illness is plaguing girls in this town in northern Colombia, and locals say a vaccine against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus, or HPV, is to blame.

In El Carmen de Bolivar, near the port of Cartagena, dozens of teenagers have experienced similar symptoms. Some have even lost consciousness.

"They vaccinated me in May and I started fainting in August. My legs became heavy and I couldn't feel my hands anymore. When I woke up, I was in the hospital," recalled 15-year-old Eva Mercado.

She passed out seven times in a month.

For most of the families affected in this town of 67,000, there is no doubt about what is causing the problem.

They place the blame squarely on a vaccination campaign against HPV, one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, which can trigger cervical cancer.

The city's modest Nuestra Senora del Carmen hospital has been overwhelmed by a surge of unconscious teenage girls being wheeled through its doors.

Panicked fathers bring their daughters to the facility aboard their motorcycles, using the town's dirt roads.


Doctors search, in vain, for possible cases of hypoglycemia or drug abuse.

According to hospital official Augusto Agamez, about 370 minors have checked into the facility. There was also one boy among them.

"There is no diagnosis or specific treatment," Agamez told AFP, stressing that the hospital was also helping families cope with the unknown illness.

When they come to, the young patients learn breathing techniques from nurses.

They also receive saline solution and oxygen. Once back on their feet, the girls go home, until the next spell.

"They brought me to the hospital 16 times last month," said Beatriz Martinez.

For the 15-year-old, it all started with headaches and backaches. Then her legs and hands gave in as well, forcing her mother to help her take baths.

The teenage girls affected by the mysterious malaise no longer go outside. Some don't even leave their homes.

"My daughter is not the same," said street vendor Jhon Jairo Mercaco, adding that, until now, his daughter had not been hospitalized since birth.

"I am desperate," said William Montes, a farmer who traveled down a mountain with his two daughters in a hammock to get them treated in town.

The epidemic has grabbed national headlines, and President Juan Manuel Santos has been forced to weigh in.


Insisting the HPV vaccination campaign was safe, Santos suggested the epidemic was no more than a "phenomenon of collective suggestion."

Those comments were met with tremendous anger in El Carmen de Bolivar, already shaken by Bogota's decades-long battle against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

In the 1980s, clashes pitting government forces against the leftist rebels killed about 100 people here.

US drug giant Merck, which makes the Gardasil vaccine, said it was "confident in the safety profile" of its product.

"We continue to monitor adverse events reporting and are following this situation closely," it said in a statement to AFP.

"Merck/MSD will continue to support the ministry's immunization and monitoring efforts in Colombia," the company said.

Health Minister Alejandro Gaviria was met with boos and burned tires during a recent visit.

While promising a series of measures — gathering data on patients, setting up new tests, providing psychological counselling — the minister stopped short of suspending the vaccinations.

"We have no reason to stop at this time," Gaviria said.

Those words failed to reassure parents whose family and professional life have been upended by an illness whose origins are still unknown.

"This is not collective hysteria or manipulation. If you see your daughter have these symptoms after a vaccination, what else would you blame?" asked Maria Veronica Romera, the mother of a weakened 13-year-old.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

South African govt say 67 of its citizens died in Synagogue building collapse

South African president, Jacob Zuma announced today that 67 of
its citizens died in the Synagogue building collapse that occurred
on September 12th. The South Africans were in Nigeria to seek
spiritual help and were staying at the guest house before it
collapsed. Read the full statement from President Zuma......
I am greatly saddened to announce that 67 South Africans died
and scores of others sustained injuries, after a building at the
Synagogue Church of All Nations collapsed on Friday, 12
September 2014, in Lagos, in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
This is a particularly difficult time for South Africa. Not in the
recent history of our country have we had this large number of
our people die in one incident outside the country. Our thoughts
are with the families, friends and colleagues that have lost their
loved ones in this heart-breaking tragedy. The whole nation
shares the pain of the mothers, fathers, daughters and sons who
have lost their loved ones. We are all in grief. As we mourn this
sudden and tragic death of our fellow compatriots, I have directed
the relevant Government departments and entities to act with the
utmost urgency to ensure that we facilitate the movement of
relevant family members to Nigeria to identify the bodies of their
loved ones and to ensure that we repatriate the remains as soon
as possible under the circumstances.
I would like to take this opportunity also to thank all family
members and friends who have provided information to
Government, which information has assisted the South African
High Commission in Nigeria in its efforts to locate our fellow
citizens. I would also like to commend all affected families for
their patience and resolve during this very painful period. On
behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, I would
like to thank the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for
their support during this difficult time. We also send our sincere
condolences to the people of Nigeria and all other nations
affected by this tragedy. I would like to assure all affected
families that the Government will provide all the necessary
support. Government will keep the public informed of
developments around this tragedy. May the souls of the departed
compatriots rest in peace. I thank you. Issued by: the Presidency

Iggy Azalea's ex claims she gave him permission to sell their sex tape

Iggy Azalea's former boyfriend/manager who is shopping their
sex tape now claims the rapper signed her rights away to him,
giving him legal authority to market the tape.
According to TMZ, the ex, Hefe Wine (pictured right) said Iggy
signed a lengthy agreement with him in 2009 which gives him
exclusive rights to 'manufacture, sell, distribute and advertise
'any' recording embodying visual images. And TMZ has obtained
the document. Continue to see the document...
Iggy signed the contract to cut records and music videos, but
Wine believes all he has to do is put a music bed under the sex
tape which he claims would then give him exclusive rights to sell
In other words, he believes Iggy has no legal ability to block a
sex tape if he wants to sell it.
What's more ... the contract provides that Wine has the legal
right to create, host and maintain a website to market Iggy's
works, so he believes he could create a website which would
host the video

Monday 15 September 2014

How Mario Balotelli Slept With A Fan And Sent Her Off In A Taxi In The Middle Of The Night

A smitten Liverpool fan Emma Dalton (pictured left)
thought her dreams had come true when the Premier
League club’s new signing Mario Balotelli took her to
The £16million striker flirted with the hairdresser
online before inviting her to a party at his luxury
rented home.
That night Balotelli enjoyed a three-hour marathon
romp with Emma, 23 – but it soon became clear that
starting a new relationship was the last thing on his
What he was after was more of a training session.
While they were having s*x the £110,000-a-week Italian
told her: “This is nice. It helps my football.”
And when the bedroom workout was over he turfed
shocked Emma out of his six-bedroom mansion, telling
her to take a taxi home in the middle of the night.
The furious single mum told a friend: “I know he has a
reputation but I thought he’d changed from the things
I’d read. He was charming and as far as I know single
so I thought, ‘Why not?’ Now I feel stupid,
“I should never have gone to his house but what’s done
is done.
He was only interested in one thing from me and then
wanted me out of the way.”
To add to her humiliation, 24-year-old Balotelli claims
he is now trying to rekindle his on-off romance with
former fiancèe Fanny Neguesha, 24, who sparked
rumours she is pregnant by him after posting an online
picture of what looks like a baby bump.
But the soccer bad boy could be red-carded when Fanny
finds out he bedded Emma shortly after his transfer
from AC Milan to Liverpool.
It all started when Emma sent him a message on social
media, says her friend.
The pal told the Sunday Mirror: “She only contacted
him as a bit of a joke.She didn’t think for a second he
would reply.
How many messages must he get sent every day? But he
did reply and he was quickly sending her messages
asking for her to send pictures of herself and her
mobile number to arrange to meet up.
“When they were talking on the phone, Emma asked
him about Fanny. He told her they’d split up and that
he didn’t have any female friends in Liverpool.”
The madcap striker also revealed that his new club had
warned him to steer clear of trouble after his transfer,
so he was staying out of the city centre.
The friend added: “He said he had to stay out of the
Press, not to get into trouble like the last time he was in
England. He told her he’d matured a lot since then.”
Within days he invited Emma and a couple of female
friends to a private party at the mansion in the
upmarket Liverpool suburb of Formby on September 5.
He arranged to have them picked up from the nearby
train station.
But the friend said the group were stunned when 24-
year-old Balotelli’s friends arrived to collect them in an
ageing Vauxhall Vectra and they were ordered to hand
over their mobile phones before entering the property.
The £1.8million mansion boasts a swimming pool with
steam room and sauna, swim jet machine and home ­
entertainment room.
Once inside Balotelli’s pals started serving the girls
shots of £50-a-bottle Ciroc peach vodka – but it was
some time later before Mario came down to join them
after spending time alone upstairs.
The friend said: “Emma told me that when Balotelli did
enter the room he was very charming. He certainly
wasn’t shy and greeted her with a kiss.
“She said he was drinking red wine and smoking, which
the all the girls thought was a bit surprising considering
he’s a footballer.
“There was a large open plan area and they were all
sitting around chatting and drinking. Then they had a
pasta meal delivered to the house.”
After a few hours Mario’s pals invited Emma’s friends
for a dip in the pool while he offered to show her
round the upstairs of the mansion.
Before long, the pal said, Emma was in his bed. But it
was far from romantic.
“She said he told her, ‘This is nice. It helps my
football’,” the pal revealed.
Things turned sour again when, at around 3am, Balotelli
told her she had to leave. The pal said: “Emma’s friends
had called a taxi and he just turned to her and said,
‘You go too’.
“The way he did it made her feel really cheap. Like he
had just used her and was chucking her out. She
started asking for an explanation from him and his
security asked her if she was OK.
She said he insisted he would call her the following day
– but she wasn’t happy at all.
She said she has never been treated like that before.”
Emma’s mood worsened the next day when Balotelli
called and said he just wanted to be “good friends” as
he wanted to get back together with Fanny.
The friend said: “To her that was his way of saying they
had never even split up in the first place.
He had just used her, but obviously she will never
know the real truth.
“She felt disgusted at the way he treated her. He had
told her he wasn’t with Fanny, then when they were in
the house together he didn’t mention her once.
But the next day he wanted Fanny to be his fiancée
“How often has he behaved like that? I’m sure she
would like to know what sort of man he really is.”

Mary and Vertasha Carter are more than mother and daughter. They are also lesbian lovers.

Mary and Vertasha Carter are more than mother and daughter.
They are also lesbian lovers.
“Vertasha and I knew we were attracted to each other when she
was sixteen,” Mary Carter said. “But we decided to wait to have
sex until she was eighteen, legally of age. We are now
going public with our relationship to help others who might be in
gay mother/daughter relationship feel confident and okay about
coming out. We want the world to know we love each other as
mother and daughter andromantically.”
Laws forbid incest mostly because of inbreeding and the birth
defects that can often come as a consequence.
“We’re women, so Vertasha and I obviously can’t make
children,” Mary Carter said. “It’d be one thing if her daddy (he’s
out of the picture) got her pregnant and a baby was born with
deformities, but we’re not hurting anyone. We’re a new minority
and just want acceptance.”
Vertasha is apparently happy with the relationship as well.
“My mom is still my mom. She does normal mom stuff: buys me
clothes, pays for food, tells me to make our bed. We just happen
to enjoy sex with each other too.”

Django Unchained Actress Arrested After Kissing White Husband

Guess you can add kissing your husband to the list of things one
has to be careful doing "while Black." Actress Danièle Watts , who
notably played the slave Coco in Quentin Tarantino's Django
Unchained , learned that lesson the hard way on Thursday after
she was detained by the Los Angeles Police Department for
kissing her white husband. New reports from TMZ claims she was
stopped and question for having sex in public.
According to accounts by Watts and her husband Brian James
Lucas, two police officers grew suspicious when they saw the
couple engaged in PDA outside of CBS's Studio City production
facility. When the officers asked Watts to produce a photo id when
questioned, she refused. Watts was subsequently handcuffed
while the officers attempted to figure out who she was. The cops
claimed she was handcuffed after she walked away.
"I sat on his lap in the front seat of the car and we start making
out," she tells BuzzFeed . A man from a nearby office came out and
asked the couple to “stop putting on a show.” The police arrived
shortly thereafter.
Watts posted her feelings about the humiliation to her Facebook
page. "As I was sitting in the back of the police car, I remembered
the countless times my father came home frustrated or humiliated
by the cops when he had done nothing wrong," she wrote. "I felt
his shame, his anger, and my own feelings of frustration for
existing in a world where I have allowed myself to believe that
“authority figures” could control my BEING… my ability to BE!!!!!!!"
TMZ is reporting according to witnesses the police were called
because Watts and Lucas were not "making out," but having sex in
the car. In the police audio, there is no reference to sex in public.
While handcuffed, Watts said, "I don't understand how we live in a
free country where cops put you in handcuffs for nothing." She
also adds, "You get to go around making people feel like they are
powerless. You get to walk around with this false sense of power
that's not real." Watts and Lucas were not charged with a crime
and released.
The actress currently stars alongside Martin Lawrence and Kelsey
Grammer in the network sitcom Partners.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Japanese Newspaper Retracts Fukushima Disaster Story and Fires Editor

The Asahi Shimbun,
Japan’s second-largest daily newspaper,
retracted an influential report on the
Fukushima nuclear disaster on Thursday
after weeks of criticism from other media
The move, which included an apology, came
a month after the newspaper retracted a
series of stories on another hot-button issue,
Japan’s wartime legacy.
“We hurt readers’ trust in our reports,”
Tadakazu Kimura, Asahi Shimbun’s
president and chief executive officer, said at
a news conference Thursday evening.
Mr. Kimura announced that he was
dismissing Nobuyuki Sugiura, Asahi
Shimbun’s executive editor, and would
punish other editors involved in the
Fukushima reporting. Mr. Kimura said he
would decide whether he himself would
resign after carrying out a “drastic
restructuring plan.”
In May, the newspaper cited testimony given
by the Fukushima plant manager, Masao
Yoshida, in reporting that about 650 workers
disobeyed orders and fled the Fukushima
Daiichi power plant at a critical moment
during the disaster in 2011.
In recent weeks other Japanese news
organizations have reported on Mr.
Yoshida’s testimony. Reports from The
Mainichi Shimbun, The Yomiuri Shimbun
and The Sankei Shimbun, three other leading
newspapers, and the Kyodo News agency
portrayed his comments differently , saying
that the exodus was the result of
Mr. Yoshida died last year of throat cancer
at the age of 58. His interviews with
investigators stretch over 400 pages.
Mr. Yoshida, who is regarded by many in
Japan as a hero for preventing a wider
disaster, had asked that the contents of his
interviews not be made public. The
government, however, released the text of
his interview on Thursday, saying it was
necessary to clarify the public record.
“Only a part of the record of Mr. Yoshida’s
testimony has been picked up and reported
by several papers,” said Yoshihide Suga, the
top government spokesman. “His original
concern that his story would develop a life
of its own without verification came to be
realized. We think it would lead to a result
that is against his will if we don’t disclose
Since the Fukushima disaster, the liberal
Asahi Shimbun has campaigned against
nuclear power in its editorial pages, saying
it regretted its earlier support. The
conservative Yomiuri Shimbun has been
critical of Asahi’s coverage, saying its report
on Mr. Yoshida’s testimony “ caused serious
misunderstandings among the international
media .”
The Asahi Shimbun’s coverage of another
sensitive topic has also come under scrutiny
in recent weeks. Last month the newspaper
retracted 16 stories , the first published in
September 1982, citing a Japanese Imperial
Army veteran who said he had rounded up
Korean women to serve as sex slaves during
World War II.
Tokyo issued a formal apology in 1993 to
women on the Korean Peninsula and in
other places occupied by Japan during the
war who were forced to work in brothels
that served its military.
While most historians agree that Japan
forced tens of thousands of women to work
in a network of wartime brothels, some have
long questioned the particular evidence
given by Seiji Yoshida, a soldier who later
became a writer . Shinzo Abe called him a
“con man” in a speech in November 2012,
shortly before taking office as prime
Mr. Abe, a nationalist who has a reputation
for trying to end what he calls a masochistic
view of Japan’s history, told a radio program
on Thursday that he would not comment
directly on The Asahi Shimbun. But he said,
“I think it is true that, by the false reporting
on comfort women, for example, a lot of
people have suffered, and Japan was
discredited in international society,” the
broadcaster NHK reported.
The Asahi Shimbun said that it dispatched
reporters to South Korea’s Jeju Island in
April and May to corroborate Mr. Yoshida’s
claims, but that after interviewing about 40
people, they were unable to do so. Mr.
Yoshida died in 2000 and had declined to
help in previous efforts to investigate his
claims, the newspaper said.
In February Mr. Abe ordered an
investigation into the government’s apology
for the sex slaves, also known by the
euphemism “comfort women.” That effort
sparked criticism from China and South
Korea, which say Japan has not come to
terms with the brutality of its wars against
its neighbors.
There is broad evidence to support the
existence of wartime sex slaves, The Asahi
Shimbun wrote last month in an article
questioning whether the retraction of the
stories citing Mr. Yoshida was being used to
undermine Japan’s apology on the issue.
The newspaper came under further criticism
last week after it spiked a column from a
well-known contributor, Akira Ikegami, who
said that the paper’s retraction of the
comfort women story was too late and didn’t
go far enough, and that the newspaper
should apologize. Following criticism from
readers and members of its own staff, the
paper reversed course and published the

Prospect of U.S. Attacks Captivates Syrians

The prospect of the first
American attacks on Syrian soil during three
years of brutal civil war captivated Syrians
on Thursday, prompting intense debate over
whether airstrikes on the extremist Islamic
State in Iraq and Syria would help or harm
President Bashar al-Assad, his armed Syrian
opponents and war-weary civilians.
Raqqa, the northeastern city that ISIS has
ruled for more than a year, was abuzz with
the news. Civilians fled areas near ISIS
headquarters. Anti-ISIS insurgents
pronounced themselves energized by the
prospect of new American aid and said
Turkish officials had recently contacted
them, promising new arms to fight the
foreign-led Sunni group.
But even among fervent opponents of ISIS —
including Syrian insurgents, some of whom
stand to gain aid to battle the group — there
was ambivalence over President Obama’s
declaration that he would “not hesitate” to
strike ISIS in Syria.
Many warned that if weakening ISIS
strengthened Mr. Assad and was not
accompanied by political enfranchisement of
the Sunni majority in Syria, the strikes could
backfire, driving more Sunnis to support or
tolerate ISIS. Others worried that Syrian
civilians could be killed in the attacks.
“Some parts of Syria haven’t been destroyed
yet, but after the strike nothing will be left,”
said Matar, a spokesman for Ahrar al-Sham,
an ultraconservative Islamist group that
opposes ISIS, giving only his first name for
security reasons. “Our war is with Bashar,”
he added, complaining that America had not
responded to Mr. Assad’s indiscriminate use
of shrapnel-filled barrel bombs. “Why did
the Americans wait until now to strike?
And even those most supportive of the
strikes complained that America had abetted
the rise of extremists like ISIS by failing to
aid other insurgents earlier, and was only
attacking it now that it had swollen to pose a
threat to America and the world.
The reactions underscored the conundrum
the United States faces in wading into the
Syrian battlefield. Until now, Mr. Obama has
strenuously resisted pleas from Syrian
insurgents for more help in fighting Mr.
Assad’s crackdown against an insurgency
that began with political protests, citing
concerns that arms given to insurgents
would end up in extremist hands.
Now, framing the attack on ISIS as driven by
American national security concerns, Mr.
Obama faces mistrust from both sides. Many
insurgents consider his action too little too
late, and say his declaration that America
stands with “people who fight for their own
freedom” rings hollow. And the Syrian
government and its supporters express
suspicion that the strikes could be a cover to
attack the government.
Mr. Obama vowed not to coordinate with the
Syrian government, which he said had lost
its legitimacy through its brutal tactics
against the insurgency. The Syrian state
news media said that refusal violated Syrian
sovereignty and showed that he was “not
serious” about fighting terrorism.
Government supporters said that destroying
ISIS, Mr. Obama’s avowed goal, would be
difficult without taking advantage of Syrian
intelligence on ISIS locations, fighters and
At the same time, a person familiar with the
deliberations of Hezbollah, the Lebanese
Shiite militant group that has fought
alongside Syrian troops, said that while
coordination with the Syrian government
would be better, the group welcomed any
attacks against ISIS and believed that they
would help the Syrian government.
Mr. Assad’s opponents, and some of his
supporters, say he allowed ISIS to flourish
while his government focused on attacking
more moderate rebel groups in a deliberate
effort to wipe out his moderate opposition
and paint himself as a bulwark against

Major questions remain. In Raqqa, where
many have tolerated ISIS because it provides
money and a semblance of order and has
recently scored military victories against
government bases that shelled the area,
people were eager for more details on how a
political solution might follow from the
There is a broad consensus among
diplomats, and even among some moderate
supporters of the Syrian government, that
the only way to legitimize the fight against
ISIS is through a new approach in which the
West agrees that Mr. Assad stays but must
cede some powers to a Sunni-inclusive
national unity government. But Mr. Assad’s
inner circle has given no sign of interest in
any compromise.
A lawyer from Raqqa, speaking on the
condition of anonymity for his safety, said
he opposed the American strikes, saying
they reflected “double standards” from the
“Why are not Hezbollah, the Syrian regime
and its militias also considered terrorists
and destabilizing the security of the region?”
he said.
But Ahmad al-Soud, a lieutenant colonel who
defected from the Syrian Army and now
heads the newly assembled Fifth Corps, a
coalition of insurgent groups made up
mainly of defectors, welcomed the strikes.
“No one has the capacity to do it but the
U.S.,” he said. “The Islamic State now is
more dangerous than Assad in the whole
area, not just in Syria.”
He said many Syrians had joined ISIS out of
desperation and were suspicious of the
United States after years of anti-American
government speech. But if the strikes are
accurate and effective, “people will stand
with the winner, since they are weak,” he

Ebola Cases Double in Democratic Republic of Congo

The number of Ebola cases in the
Democratic Republic of Congo doubled over
the past week to 62, the World Health
Organization reported Thursday, and more
than half the afflicted patients have died.
The outbreak in the country, where the
Ebola virus was first discovered nearly 40
years ago, is a distinct strain from the far
more drastic Ebola crisis ravaging western
Africa, where more than 2,200 people have
died this year, the worst on record. The
Congo outbreak, by contrast, is confined to
four villages in one county, and all are
linked to one initial case, first reported to
the W.H.O. on Aug. 26.
Still, the doubling of Congo cases during the
week ending Tuesday, reported by the
W.H.O. in an update on its website,
reflected Ebola’s contagious risks. The virus,
which causes high fevers, vomiting, diarrhea
and internal bleeding, with a fatality rate as
high as 90 percent, is spread through person-
to-person contact.
Thirty-five of the Congo patients have died,
the W.H.O. said, including seven health care
workers. Isolation facilities have been
established in the four affected villages, the
W.H.O. said, and international experts
assisting local health officials have identified
386 people who may have been exposed.
In other Ebola-related news, the
International Monetary Fund said Thursday
that economic growth in Liberia and Sierra
Leone, two of the three West African
countries hit hardest by the outbreak, could
decline by as much as 3.5 percentage points
because of disruptions to the mining,
agriculture and service industries. Economic
growth in Guinea, the third worst-afflicted
country, where mining businesses have yet
to be affected, could fall by 1.5 percentage
points, the I.M.F. said.
In neighboring Nigeria, Africa’s most
populous country, where health officials
have confirmed 19 Ebola cases linked to a
visitor from Liberia two months ago, Reuters
reported that a South African woman in
transit at Lagos airport on her way home
from Morocco had been sent to a testing
center as a suspected Ebola patient. The
woman, who was not identified, had visited
Sierra Leone and Guinea and had
acknowledged having Ebola symptoms,
Reuters quoted Nigerian health officials as

Oscar Pistorius Not Guilty of Murder; Still Faces Lesser Homicide Charge

PRETORIA, South Africa — The judge
presiding over the trial of Oscar Pistorius,
the Paralympic athlete, cleared him of the
two most serious murder charges against
him on Thursday. But then, after appearing
to be on the verge of declaring Mr. Pistorius
guilty of a lesser crime, culpable homicide,
in the shooting death of his girlfriend, the
judge abruptly suspended court proceedings
for the rest of the day.
“We’ll have to stop here and resume
tomorrow morning,” the judge, Thokozile
Matilda Masipa, said less than half an hour
after the session had resumed after a lunch
break. She did not explain the adjournment.
In three hours of detailed appraisal of a trial
that has transfixed many around the world
and that has been compared to the O. J.
Simpson case in the United States, Judge
Masipa cleared Mr. Pistorius of two charges
— premeditated murder, which carries a
minimum mandatory term of 25 years, and a
lesser charge of homicide known simply as
Judge Masipa then turned to the lesser
charge of culpable homicide, which is
comparable to involuntary manslaughter,
and said Mr. Pistorius had failed three tests
to be exonerated of the charge. One
considers what a “reasonable” person would
have done under the same circumstances.
Since his trial opened in March, Mr.
Pistorius, 27, a double amputee who has also
challenged able-bodied runners, has faced
accusations that he deliberately took the life
of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, 29, when
he fired into a locked bathroom door at his
villa in Pretoria, the South African capital,
on Feb. 14, 2013. Mr. Pistorius has insisted
that he killed Ms. Steenkamp, who was in
the bathroom, by mistake, believing that an
intruder had entered his home.
Pointedly, the judge compared Mr.
Pistorius’s reaction and behavior to that of
the majority of people in South Africa who
live under daily threat of crime. “Many
people in this country have experienced
crime, but they have not resorted to sleeping
with a firearm under their pillow,” she said.
Mr. Pistorius, who lives in a gated complex
with round-the-clock guards, has said he
became alarmed when he heard what he
thought was the sound of a bathroom
window being opened. “All the accused had
to do was to pick up his cellphone and call
security or the police,” the judge said,
finding that Mr. Pistorius “acted too hastily,”
“used excessive force” and had been
negligent in his conduct.
At that point, with many observers in the
courtroom forecasting that she was about to
deliver her judgment, she adjourned the
hearing until Friday.
Earlier, calmly and coolly taking up piece
after piece of evidence, dismissing some,
discounting others, offering practical
interpretations of still more, Judge Masipa
said that although Mr. Pistorius made a poor
and evasive witness, she found large parts of
his story credible. Most significantly, she
said it seemed — or at least that the
prosecution had been unable to prove
otherwise — that when he shot and killed
Ms. Steenkamp, he genuinely believed that
intruders had broken into his home and
were hiding in the bathroom at the time.
Sitting in the dock in a dark suit, white shirt
and black tie, Mr. Pistorius slumped forward
and sobbed as the judge cleared him of the
two murder charges.
There are no jury trials in South Africa, so it
has been left to Judge Masipa, with the help
of two aides, to render the verdict on her
own. According to normal procedures in the
country, the judgment includes a summation
of the facts, an analysis of the evidence, and
then the announcement of the verdict,
charge after charge.
Judge Masipa also dismissed out of hand
large portions of the prosecution’s evidence,
in particular the testimony of neighbors who
said they had heard the sounds of a man
and woman arguing in Mr. Pistorius’s house
before the shots were fired. And she said
prosecution evidence culled from cellphone
text messages and meant to demonstrate
that Mr. Pistorius and Ms. Steenkamp’s
relationship was “on the rocks,” as she put
it, could not be considered relevant. Nor, she
said, could seemingly contradictory text
message evidence from the defense meant to
show that the couple had a loving
relationship be helpful in reaching a verdict.
“In my view, none of this evidence, from the
state or defense, proves anything,” she said.
“Normal relationships are dynamic and
unpredictable sometimes.”
In being acquitted of the two harshest
charges against him, Mr. Pistorius could
have escaped a lengthy prison sentence. But
culpable homicide, which is defined as the
negligent killing of another person, can carry
a wide range of sentences, at the discretion
of the judge, from no jail time to more than
15 years in prison.
The judge’s partial verdict was a huge
setback for the prosecutor, Gerrie Nel , who
had called for Mr. Pistorius to be convicted
of murder and whose pugnacious courtroom
manner earned him the nickname the Pit
In his version of the shooting, Mr. Pistorius
has described walking on the stumps of his
legs in a darkened passageway, with a
handgun thrust out before him, before he
opened fire on a locked bathroom door.
When he broke down the door with a cricket
bat, he said, he discovered the bloodstained
body of Ms. Steenkamp.
“ 'Before I knew it, I had fired four shots at
the door,' ” Judge Masipa quoted Mr.
Pistorius as saying, as she listed the various
ways he described the shooting during the
trial. At times, he said he shot “in the belief
that the intruders were coming out” to
attack him. At other moments, he said he
“never intended to shoot anyone” and had
not fired deliberately at the door, the judge
said. Part of Mr. Pistorius’s evidence, she
said, was “inconsistent with someone who
shot without thinking.”
Ms. Steenkamp, Judge Masipa added, “was
killed under very peculiar circumstances,”
but “what is not conjecture is that the
accused armed himself with a loaded
Nonetheless, the judge ruled, the
prosecution’s evidence to support a charge
of premeditated murder was “purely
“The state clearly has not proved beyond
reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty
of premeditated murder,” she said. “There
are not enough facts.”
Much of the trial, with 41 days of testimony
since it opened, has revolved around Mr.
Pistorius’s state of mind and intentions when
he opened fire. During cross-examination in
April , Mr. Pistorius sobbed, wailed and
retched as he recalled the events
surrounding Ms. Steenkamp’s death.
While the judge said she accepted that Mr.
Pistorius would feel vulnerable because of
his disability, he had been “a very poor
witness” and had been evasive and “lost his
composure” under cross-examination.
Until the killing, Mr. Pistorius, who had
challenged able-bodied runners only months
earlier at the London Summer Olympics in
2012, seemed to be reveling in a glittery
career of sporting success and celebrity
As the trial unfolded, the defense and the
prosecution offered Jekyll-and-Hyde
depictions of Mr. Pistorius’s character.
The prosecutor, Mr. Nel, described him as
trigger-happy, mendacious, narcissistic and
prone to rage. By contrast, the lead defense
lawyer, Barry Roux, sought to present him
as anxious, vulnerable and fearful of South
Africa’s violent crime, laboring under the
psychological burden of growing up with a
disability. Mr. Pistorius was born without
fibula bones in his legs, and both were
amputated below the knee when he was 11
months old.
In part, the trial has been held up as
evidence of a dramatic reversal of South
Africa’s white-dominated apartheid-era legal
system. In 1998, four years after South
Africa’s first democratic election, Judge
Masipa , who turned 66 on Thursday, became
only the second black female judge to be
appointed to the High Court. Born in a poor
township, she had been a social worker and
newspaper journalist before studying law at
the height of the apartheid era. Now, under
South African judicial protocols, lawyers and
witnesses are obliged to address her with
the honorific “My Lady.”
But the trial has also highlighted the
country’s continued racial preoccupations
and its high levels of crime against women.
In other cases, Judge Masipa has handed
down tough sentences in cases of rape and
violence against women.
Mr. Pistorius also faces three counts relating
to firearms offenses.

“I married Joseph Yobo after I discovered I was pregnant” – Adaeze

Ex-Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria, Adaeze met her
husband, Joseph Yobo in 2009, dated briefly and in
2010 they got married.
Adaeze for the first time opened up to the Sun on why
she had to tie the knot just barely a year she met the
When asked how she met her husband, the 24-year-
old says:
“I met him in Nigeria through a friend at an event. From
there, we became close friends. I became pregnant and
we got married immediately. Everything happened in a
very short time. A lot of people thought it wasn’t going
to work but at that moment, I knew I felt something I
had never felt with anyone in my life and I said to
myself, why not take that chance? I’m quite prayerful ,
so I knew there’s no way I could err, though I never
planned getting married so early. I had so many
dreams of what I wanted in life. Marriage was the last
thing on my mind. It happened so fast and I thought I
should give it a shot.’
‘When we first met, I didn’t know who he is really. He
didn’t know that I was the most beautiful girl in Nigeria.
When I knew he was a footballer, I said to myself this
relationship might not work or lead us anywhere,
because of the lifestyle of some footballers who have
so many girlfriends.”
She also says she has no regret marrying her
‘No marriage can ever be perfect. Even my relationship
with my mum can never be perfect. I have never
regretted any moment with my husband and I always
say to my sisters and cousins that I don’t know what I
could have been without my husband. I wondered the
kind of man I would have ended up with if I didn’t
marry him. I thank God that He planned my life and I’m
living the life He planned for me. God has been
gracious to me in every way.”

Thursday 4 September 2014

Joan Rivers, Comedy Icon, Dies at 81

Sadly, another legend is gone. Joan Rivers , an icon of comedy,
passed away at the age of 81 after complications from minor
throat surgery. Controversial, groundbreaking and a show
business survivor, the Brooklyn native changed comedy by
breaking down barriers for women.
Famously discovered by Bill Cosby , Rivers got her big break
on The Tonight Show , eventually guest co-hosting for Johnny
Carson. After she landed her own show in 1987, Carson
notoriously banned Rivers from NBC late night, which kept Rivers
off NBC late night for nearly 30 years. Jimmy Fallon lifted the ban
when he brought her on as a guest at the beginning of this year.
Considered offensive, crude and famously upsetting the A-list,
Joan Rivers's feuds are endless: Elizabeth Taylor , Rihanna , Oprah
Winfrey, Kim Kardashian and many more took issue with the
comedienne over the years. Rivers once said about celebrities,
"When you’re making $25 million a movie, or the dresses are
given to you, when you’re living this amazing life, you’re gonna
worry that a comic made a joke about you? That’s what’s
bothering you? That’s crazy."
Rivers was also an activist for HIV/AIDS in the early 1980s. She
raised millions of dollars for the cause and was outspoken activist
of LGBT rights. Rivers was also known as one of the first celebs to
be open about plastic surgery, which she was criticized for over
the years. Rivers always believed in telling the truth, whether it
was at the expense of herself or Hollywood. Moreover, she made
millions laugh and her unique brand of comedy transcended age,
race and gender.
Hated or beloved, Joan Rivers was a comedy icon and will be
missed. Our condolences to Rivers's fans, friends and family.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Cee Lo Green Makes Controversial Rape Comments on Twitter

Cee Lo Green couldn't leave well enough alone after getting a
minor sentence for a no contest plea to a 2012 incident in which he
allegedly slipped a woman ecstacy and brought her to his bed
without her knowledge. The "F--k You" singer felt the need to
defend himself on Twitter against accusations that his actions
constituted rape.
Last night (August 31), Cee Lo tweeted, "If someone is passed out
they're not even WITH you consciously." He also added, "People
who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!" and pointed out that
there was "no broken glass" to prove the charges. Cee Lo added
that his no contest plea was not an admission of guilt, but asked,
"So if I TRIED but did NOT succeed but the person said I DID then
what really happened?"
The singer was given three years probation and 45 days
of community service — with no sex charges filed against him —
after the woman claimed she was drugged by Green and woke up
in bed next to him with no recollection of what transpired.
Green has since deleted all of his tweets. "I will not allow that
negative energy to loiter on my time line," he wrote in conclusion
to his bizarre and offensive rant.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Arnold Schwarzenegger's wife Maria Shriver 'cheated on him during election campaign with key adviser'

Maria Shriver is alleged to have flaunted her relationship with Matthew Dowd, 53, in front of Arnie's staff five years before his affair with the family maid became public.......

The wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger cheated on the Hollywood star with the actor's lead campaign strategist as he ran for Governor of California, a new report has claimed.

Maria Shriver, 58, is alleged to have flaunted her relationship with Matthew Dowd, 53, in front of her husband's staff five years before details of his affair with the family maid became public.

Schwarzenegger found out about the relationship but she continued to see him anyway, according to the US report.

Shriver and Schwarzenegger, 67, split up in 2011 after it was revealed he had an affair with their housekeeper 'Patty' Baena that dated back to 1992 and that they had a teenage son together.

Internet date maniac slashed throat of woman who spurned him - and planned to butcher another

Tony Griffin(picture below) became horrifically violent when his young victim told him she just wanted to be friends in Normanby, Middlesbrough..

A lonely hearts romeo is set to be detained indefinitely for the safety of women after slashing the throat of a ‘date’ he had just met online.

Tony Griffin became horrifically violent when his young victim told him she just wanted to be friends.

He is now awaiting sentence after admitting wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, and is likely to be detained indefinitely to a secure hospital.

Court papers reveal he planned to butcher another woman after she spurned his advances.

In March, Griffin met the slash attack victim - around the same age as him - on the dating website, Oasis.

The day after they first met, the woman told him she did not want a relationship and wanted to be friends.

A week later, she agreed to meet him again and walked along the old railway line in Normanby, Middlesbrough, close to his home.

Griffin was wearing black gloves, which worried the woman as it was a sunny day.
He asked her what she thought of him and she said she thought he was nice.

He replied, “Well nice people don’t do this”, attacking her with a knife, slashing her chest, and felling her as she tried to run away.

He pulled back her head and made at least seven “methodical slashing movements” at her neck.

A dog-walker heroically stepped in to prevent the young woman suffering further serious injury - and may have saved her life.

He and another passer-by saw alerted police, and the woman broke free.

Griffin was “unemotional” with “a blank expression” before he calmly walked away from the scene.

After his arrest, he admitted that he wanted to “stab her in the back” as he felt he had been rejected.

It emerged that he was earlier convicted of harassing and threatening to kill another woman at exactly the same spot.

He had plotted to lure her to the same footpath to stab her to death.

Griffin was originally charged with attempted murder and was due to go on trial, but changed his plea to admit a lesser charge of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

At Teesside Crown Court, he appeared in the dock wearing a three-piece grey suit and tie.

Flanked by three doctors, he spoke only to confirm his name and enter his guilty plea.

After the hearing, Griffin, of Eston, Middlesbrough, was taken to a psychiatric unit, where he is likely to be held.

Psychiatrists agreed he had a mental disorder and autism, which merited detention in hospital for treatment.

They recommended a hospital order with restriction, which would mean Griffin could only be released with the approval of the Secretary of State for Justice.

A youth court gave him a hospital order in 2011 after he was convicted of harassing a girl who spurned his advances. He was found with a tool kit including a rope, and told police he was “looking for someone to kill”.

That court also heard Griffin was arrested last August after he again made threats to kill.

He will be sentenced on September 29.

Fans Blast Iyanya’s ‘Abnormal’ Biceps Pics After Posting It On Social Media

His fans reacted to this picture and these are their
own words…
Iyanya is no doubt one of Nigeria’s Sexiest Men but
when he posted this picture on Instagram, Tuesday
morning, all hell let loose.
The “Mr. Oreo ” singer perhaps was trying to show off
his ‘sexiness’ including his huge arms and ‘useful’
tongue to his 555,800 fans on Twitter and Instagram
but fans didn’t really quite get the drift.
His post has had close to 2999 likes so far and more
than 10 comments with most of them throwing heavy
shade on the singer’s ‘sexy selfie’ attempt.
One fan wrote: “ U be wrestler bros?”
Another wrote: “ Ur tongue stays in ur mouth!
Another fan says: “ Goodness! Veins”
Here’s another fan: “ On testosterone?”
Another says: “ I bet u knew exactly wht u wre doing
when u took this pic and knowin d effect is gonna ve
on ya lady fans out hea! Buh that’s none of my biz!

Finally Funke Akindele Set to Remarry, 1yr After Failed Marriage

Film producer/actress Funke Akindele is reportedly set
to give marriage another chance and this is
authoritative. Funke whose first marriage failed months
ago is now engaged to wed and has concluded plans to
have a secret introduction ceremony with her UK-based
lover. According to reports, she decided to keep it a top
secret considering her first bitter experience with her
much-publicized celebrity marriage.
However, she has currently moved into a new mini
duplex located in the highbrow China Estate, inside
Chevron Drive Lekki.
The couple we gathered started their romance shortly
after she left her first marriage and the guy whom
people close to Funke confirm is very crazy about her,
is quite eager to walk her down the aisle.

Go shorty: 50 Cent Buys Mecedes Benz For 2- Year- Old Son As Birthday Gift

Back in May, the rapper was allegedly denied access
to his 16 year old son’s graduation ceremony, he
blamed it on his baby mama…….
50 Cent has surprised his son on his 2nd birthday with
a miniature motorized Mercedes ML450 SUV or
precisely a junior version of his own ride.
According to close sources, the ‘Window Shopping’
rapper gifted his boy in Los Angeles this weekend with
the sweet little car which he reportedly shopped
The motorised Mercedes ML450 SUV was posted on 50′s
Instagram account with a caption that read, “Lol he
make me look like I’m getting soft. Lil50 trippin
LMAO#SMSAUDIO #thebeauty.”
Father and son spent the weekend together eating lots
of birthday cake and 50 also footed the bill for his big
party on Monday.
Funny thing about this is, back in May, the rapper was
denied access to his 16 year old son’s graduation
ceremony. He later blamed it on his baby mama
claiming he was never told about the exact date of the
event. It was the same son he publicly went into a
ridiculous twitter war with last year.
So what kind of father is 50 Cent exactly? Although we
have reasons to believe the tough-talking rapper could
also be a softie at heart

Chris Brown Pleads Guilty In D.C Assault

Chris Brown was in court today and according to
reports, he accepted a plea deal in his Washington D.C.
assault case.
Chris Brown pleaded guilty, and telling the judge he
just wants this case to go away so he can go on tour.
Brown had been charged with misdemeanor assault
for punching a man in the face outside his tour bus
last October. The judge sentenced him to time already
served. Brown apologized in court … saying the case
had derailed his career for the past year. Chris
Brown’s girlfriend Karrueche was also in the
courtroom lending moral support.” TMZ reports..

WEIRD: Meet The Brazilian Man Born With His Head Upside-Down

A man born with physical disabilities so severe his head
is Upside-down has defied the odds to become an
inspirational public speaker.
Claudio Vieira de Oliveira, 37, was born with his neck
folded back on itself, as well as badly deformed legs and
almost no use of his arms and hands. Doctors told his
mother to stop feeding him as a newborn as they
believed he had no chance of survival.
But Claudio from Monte Santo, Brazil, has overcome his
extreme disadvantages to graduate as an accountant and
become a public speaker. Continue
“Since I was a child I’ve always liked to keep myself
busy and work – I don’t like to depend totally on other
I do a bit of accounting, research for clients and
consulting. I have learned to turn on the TV, pick up
my cell phone, turn on the radio, use the internet, my
computer – I do it all by myself.” he said.
Claudio types with a pen held in his mouth, operates
phones and a computer mouse with his lips and has
specially made shoes that allow him to move around
town. His determined independence saw him succeeding
at school and qualifying as an accountant from the State
University of Feira de Santana.
When Claudio was born, doctors told his mother Maria
Jose he would not be able to survive. Maria Jose said:
“People started saying ‘the baby is going to die’ because
he could barely breathe when he was born. Some
people would say: ‘Don’t feed him, he is already dying’.
But there’s only happiness now.
Claudio is just like any other person – that’s how he was
raised in this house. We never tried to fix him and
always wanted him to do the normal things everyone
else does. That’s why he is so confident. He is not
ashamed of walking around in the street – he sings and
he dances.”
At eight years old, Claudio, who had previously been
carried everywhere, began to walk on his knees.
His family had to change the floor of the house so he
could walk around without injuring himself.
Claudio’s bed, plugs and lights had to be made lower so
that he could do things for himself without asking for
He cannot use a wheelchair because of his unusual
shape, making it hard for him to be independent outside
the home – but he begged his mother to be allowed to
go to school and learn with the other children. Doctors
have recently diagnosed him with a rare condition
called congenital arthrogryposis
They believe he has multiple joint contractions in his
legs and arms which mean they cannot extend properly.
Claudio said:
“Throughout my life I was able to adapt my body to the
world. Right now, I don’t see myself as being different. I
am a normal person. I don’t see things upside-down.
This is one of the things I always talk about in my
interventions as a public speaker.
“Nowadays it’s much easier to deal with the public, I’m
not afraid of it anymore and I can say that I am a
professional, international public speaker and that I
receive invitations from all over the world.”