Monday 15 September 2014

How Mario Balotelli Slept With A Fan And Sent Her Off In A Taxi In The Middle Of The Night

A smitten Liverpool fan Emma Dalton (pictured left)
thought her dreams had come true when the Premier
League club’s new signing Mario Balotelli took her to
The £16million striker flirted with the hairdresser
online before inviting her to a party at his luxury
rented home.
That night Balotelli enjoyed a three-hour marathon
romp with Emma, 23 – but it soon became clear that
starting a new relationship was the last thing on his
What he was after was more of a training session.
While they were having s*x the £110,000-a-week Italian
told her: “This is nice. It helps my football.”
And when the bedroom workout was over he turfed
shocked Emma out of his six-bedroom mansion, telling
her to take a taxi home in the middle of the night.
The furious single mum told a friend: “I know he has a
reputation but I thought he’d changed from the things
I’d read. He was charming and as far as I know single
so I thought, ‘Why not?’ Now I feel stupid,
“I should never have gone to his house but what’s done
is done.
He was only interested in one thing from me and then
wanted me out of the way.”
To add to her humiliation, 24-year-old Balotelli claims
he is now trying to rekindle his on-off romance with
former fiancèe Fanny Neguesha, 24, who sparked
rumours she is pregnant by him after posting an online
picture of what looks like a baby bump.
But the soccer bad boy could be red-carded when Fanny
finds out he bedded Emma shortly after his transfer
from AC Milan to Liverpool.
It all started when Emma sent him a message on social
media, says her friend.
The pal told the Sunday Mirror: “She only contacted
him as a bit of a joke.She didn’t think for a second he
would reply.
How many messages must he get sent every day? But he
did reply and he was quickly sending her messages
asking for her to send pictures of herself and her
mobile number to arrange to meet up.
“When they were talking on the phone, Emma asked
him about Fanny. He told her they’d split up and that
he didn’t have any female friends in Liverpool.”
The madcap striker also revealed that his new club had
warned him to steer clear of trouble after his transfer,
so he was staying out of the city centre.
The friend added: “He said he had to stay out of the
Press, not to get into trouble like the last time he was in
England. He told her he’d matured a lot since then.”
Within days he invited Emma and a couple of female
friends to a private party at the mansion in the
upmarket Liverpool suburb of Formby on September 5.
He arranged to have them picked up from the nearby
train station.
But the friend said the group were stunned when 24-
year-old Balotelli’s friends arrived to collect them in an
ageing Vauxhall Vectra and they were ordered to hand
over their mobile phones before entering the property.
The £1.8million mansion boasts a swimming pool with
steam room and sauna, swim jet machine and home ­
entertainment room.
Once inside Balotelli’s pals started serving the girls
shots of £50-a-bottle Ciroc peach vodka – but it was
some time later before Mario came down to join them
after spending time alone upstairs.
The friend said: “Emma told me that when Balotelli did
enter the room he was very charming. He certainly
wasn’t shy and greeted her with a kiss.
“She said he was drinking red wine and smoking, which
the all the girls thought was a bit surprising considering
he’s a footballer.
“There was a large open plan area and they were all
sitting around chatting and drinking. Then they had a
pasta meal delivered to the house.”
After a few hours Mario’s pals invited Emma’s friends
for a dip in the pool while he offered to show her
round the upstairs of the mansion.
Before long, the pal said, Emma was in his bed. But it
was far from romantic.
“She said he told her, ‘This is nice. It helps my
football’,” the pal revealed.
Things turned sour again when, at around 3am, Balotelli
told her she had to leave. The pal said: “Emma’s friends
had called a taxi and he just turned to her and said,
‘You go too’.
“The way he did it made her feel really cheap. Like he
had just used her and was chucking her out. She
started asking for an explanation from him and his
security asked her if she was OK.
She said he insisted he would call her the following day
– but she wasn’t happy at all.
She said she has never been treated like that before.”
Emma’s mood worsened the next day when Balotelli
called and said he just wanted to be “good friends” as
he wanted to get back together with Fanny.
The friend said: “To her that was his way of saying they
had never even split up in the first place.
He had just used her, but obviously she will never
know the real truth.
“She felt disgusted at the way he treated her. He had
told her he wasn’t with Fanny, then when they were in
the house together he didn’t mention her once.
But the next day he wanted Fanny to be his fiancée
“How often has he behaved like that? I’m sure she
would like to know what sort of man he really is.”

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